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ARZA Canada Shared Space Curriculum
Strand 1: Shared Space
Session 1: Introduction to Shared Space
Session 2: Israel as a Multicultural Space
Session 3: Different Jewish Cultures (21:51)
Post-Oct. 7 Addendum
Session 4: Sharing with Other Communities
Session 5: Israel and the Jewish People
Session 6: Learners as Part of the Jewish People
Student Journal: Strand 1
Full Printable Curriculum - Teacher's Guide: Strand 1
Strand 2: Introduction to Maps as Narrative
Session 1: Maps as Narrative
Session 2: Maps of Israel Over Time and Space
Session 3: The Many Names and Inhabitants of the Land
Session 4: Dividing the Region in the Modern Period
Session 5: Mapping the Map
Session 6: Looking Towards Shalom/Salaam
Student Journal: Strand 2
Full Printable Curriculum - Teacher's Guide: Strand 2
Parent Sessions
Training and Introduction (18:30)
Session 1 - Introduction to Maps as Narrative (6:37)
Session 2 - The Many Inhabitants of the Land (5:28)
Session 3 - Divvying Up the Land: Broken Promises (5:06)
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Session 3: The Many Names and Inhabitants of the Land
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